You may be wondering what to expect once you schedule your initial consultation with cosmetic surgeon Dr. Ronald Caniglia and Dr. Alex Caniglia of Caniglia Facial Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale, Arizona, proudly serving the communities of Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Phoenix, as well as East and West Valley communities.
Your First Visit
From the moment you enter our facility you will feel at ease. Our office environment was designed to make you feel comfortable and at home. We aim to make your time with us as pleasant as possible and will do whatever we can to accommodate your needs. Your first visit will generally go as follows:
- The staff will greet you with a friendly smile; we always take the time to get to know patients and establish a positive rapport with each one.
- Patient can complete forms at home by clicking on forms, printing and bring to appointment, so we have records of your medical history and other pertinent information including allergies and current medications.
- You will be escorted to see Dr. Ronald Caniglia or Dr. Alex Caniglia for your consultation.
- They will ask you questions regarding your aesthetic goals and medical history.
- Your doctor will examine your face and identify areas for improvement, based on the look you wish to achieve.
- Dr. Ronald Caniglia or Dr. Alex Caniglia will inform you of your treatment options and map out the best course of action to reach your cosmetic goals. They will detail each procedure for you and make sure you have a clear understanding of what treatment will involve.
- You will have the opportunity to ask any questions, which Dr. Ronald Caniglia or Dr. Alex Caniglia will gladly answer. We encourage you to make a list of questions before coming in, so you do not forget anything important. If you do forget, don’t hesitate to call us back.
- Once you feel like you have enough information to make an educated decision regarding treatment, you can either go home to think about how you wish to proceed, or schedule another appointment for the procedure.