When it comes to looking your best, it’s important to have skin that looks smooth, soft, and even. One unfortunate issue that many people deal with is acne scars. These can make you feel self-conscious, and may have a major effect on your overall appearance. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways that acne scars can be dealt with, and you can learn more about all of your treatment options when you speak with a Scottsdale plastic surgeon. Let’s briefly cover some of the basics right now so you have a decent understanding of the situation and how it can be properly addressed.

What are acne scars?

Acne scars are the result of inflammation in the skin that is caused by acne itself. The scars form when there is too much collagen in one part of the face. There are different kinds of acne scars, including ice pick scars (pits and depressions in the skin), box car scars (angular scars on the cheeks and temples), rolling scars (wavy scars), and hypertrophic scars (thick, upraised scars similar to keloid scars). We can help address all of these at our plastic surgery center in Scottsdale.

The Problem with Acne Scars

Obviously there are many aesthetic problems related to acne scars, which can affect a person’s self-esteem and self image. Pronounced acne scars can be especially problematic for a person’s overall appearance. There are numerous cosmetic skin care treatments to consider for effective non-surgical facial rejuvenation. It’s important that you speak with a member of our team to learn more about all of your potential treatments.

Common Treatments for Acne Scars

The best treatment for your acne scars will depend on a number of factors, but the treatments listed below have proven quite effective.

  • Laser treatments – Laser treatments like Photofacials and light-based skin resurfacing helps remove damaged skin on the surface layer, promoting healthy skin to form in its place.
  • Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion – By carefully removing the superficial layer of skin, you can promote the formation of healthier skin as well.
  • Soft tissue fillers – Dermal filler injections can help add volume to injection sites, reducing the prominence and appearance of acne scars.
  • Surgical revision – For major acne scarring, surgical treatments are your best option. Tissue and skin grafts will be used to improve your overall appearance.

Other Options for Enhancing Facial Aesthetics

In addition to the above treatments for acne scars, you should not forget that there are plenty of other options for facial rejuvenation and cosmetic enhancement. When you come in for a visit, we can discuss Scottsdale facelift and other helpful treatments in greater detail so that you can undergo the ultimate anti-aging makeover.

Learn More About Your Plastic Surgery Options

If you would like more information on your various treatments for acne scars, be sure to contact our Scottsdale facial cosmetic surgery center today. We will be more than happy to discuss all of our cosmetic treatments. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.

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