Reduce Aging Effects With a Liquid Facelift in Scottsdale
Aging is a part of life. The years of experiences and stories make us who we are. But that doesn’t mean we need to show all of those years on our face. From years of environmental factors like sun and smoking to genetic predisposition, the signs of aging can appear long before...
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Get Flawless Skin With Laser Vein Removal in Scottsdale
Leg hosiery should be a fashion choice and not a requirement, but for many women who suffer from embarrassing and overtly noticeable veins in their legs, the covering is more of a necessity. However, there is another option. Dr. Ronald Caniglia offers laser vein removal in Sco...
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Is Botox in Scottsdale Right For Me?
In this day and age, Botox has become a household name. You’ve heard reports of celebrities with Botox and it’s likely you know some who has had the experience themselves. The widely used substance has treated the appearance of wrinkles for men and women for many years and con...
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Practical Reasons For Rhinoplasty in Scottsdale
It’s very common to hear about rhinoplasty and think of the latest celebrity reshaping their nose to make it look different than the nose they were born with. Although many patients turn to rhinoplasty as a means to cosmetically enhance the appearance of their nose, nose resha...
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Otoplasty with Dr. Caniglia
While insecurities are practically a rite of passage for children, school can be a particularly trying place if children are uncomfortable in their bodies. Traits, such as the shape or size of their ears, can be picked on by bullies who can make a person feel self-conscious. C...
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