
Can your sleep position really cause wrinkles?

Dermal fillers ScottsdaleAs we age, we begin to notice wrinkles and fine lines on the face. While this is inevitable and will happen to everyone at some point, we do have some control over how quickly our faces age. Sun exposure is one very important factor; using sunscreen dil...

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What can you do about a double chin?

Most people desire to be fit and healthy. Although the most important reason to care for your fitness is to be healthy and feel good, many people also want their outsides to match their insides. For those who exercise and eat well, yet find themselves with a stubborn double ch...

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Will dermaplaning make your hair grow back thicker?

Dermaplaning Scottsdale Although Dr. Caniglia is known for his skill as a facial plastic surgeon, he’s also committed to offering the best in nonsurgical treatments to his patients. This allows each of our patients to get the right treatments to address their concerns. One o...

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Do you need upper or lower blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty Scottsdale The eyes are a focal point of the face. The aging process can affect the eyes in a number of different ways, ranging from bags under the eyes to drooping eyelids. For those who have concerns about the appearance of the eyes, blepharoplasty is an opt...

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What is lip advancement?

Lip advancement Scottsdale Full lips are a sign of youth and beauty. Some are genetically fortunate and are born with full lips, while others have thinner lips from the start. In addition, as people age, the lips tend to lose volume and become thinner. In order to rejuvena...

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