See The New You With Laser Skin Resurfacing in Scottsdale With Dr. Caniglia
Over time, our skin goes through the proverbial wringer. As the largest organ on our body and the one exposed to outside elements, our skin can encounter any number of problems caused by genetics, exposure, or age. While makeup and creams can temporary relieve or hide problems...
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Eyelid Surgery with Dr. Caniglia
Aging is a fact of life but it doesn't mean our bodies have to show it. Unfortunately for many men and women, their bodies show early signs of aging. One of the first noticeable areas are the eyes, which can become puffy or droopy. This problem area can make people appea...
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Non Surgical Wrinkle Treatments
As the years pass, our bodies show natural signs of aging. Wrinkles and fine lines inevitably make their way to the areas around our eyes and mouths then eventually cascade across what's left of our faces. Often times, this can occur when we’re still fairly young a...
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LED Light Treatment Therapy
Some patients come to Caniglia Facial Plastic Surgery seeking solutions that don't require surgery. These patients may have dermal skin conditions that cause them hardships and generally make them unhappy. These conditions can range from acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis...
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Forehead Lift with Dr. Caniglia
For many individuals, growing older means loose, saggy skin with unsightly wrinkles around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Aging is an inevitable stage of life, but it doesn't mean you have to bow down gracefully to the unavoidable signs of the process. Some individuals even...
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