Scottsdale rhinoplasty

Many people feel dissatisfied with the size or shape of their nose. They may consider having rhinoplasty (a “nose job”), which is a surgical procedure to alter the nose. However, when thinking about this surgery, it’s important to consider more than just the nose. Facial plastic surgery is about overall balance. The appearance of the nose will be greatly affected by the appearance of other parts of the face.

For certain patients, adding a chin augmentation to the rhinoplasty will help to enhance the results. Why might this be beneficial? How can you decide whether it’s right for you?

How chin augmentation can enhance the results of rhinoplasty

In order to create a pleasing and balanced facial appearance, the size and shape of the nose should be in proportion to the size and shape of the chin. If the chin is “weak,” meaning that it’s small and doesn’t project forward enough, then the nose will tend to appear larger. Having a rhinoplasty to make the nose smaller might help to some degree, but even a proportional nose might look too large for the face if the chin is small.

In order to address a weak chin, chin implants can be useful. A chin implant is made of silicone, and is implanted under the skin to enhance the size and shape of the chin. This can be done at the same time as the rhinoplasty surgery, so that you’ll only need to plan for a single recovery period.

How do you know if you need a chin implant with your rhinoplasty?

Not every patient needs to get a chin implant along with their rhinoplasty. Some people already have strong chins, and adjusting the size and shape of the nose to be proportional to the rest of the face will be enough to create a balanced facial appearance.

However, in some cases, those who feel that their nose is too large may find that it looks much more proportional when the size of the chin is adjusted to fit the nose. There are even cases where a patient requests a rhinoplasty, but this isn’t really what they need; for these patients, a chin augmentation is enough to make the nose appear proportional without changing the nose. There are other cases where a rhinoplasty is beneficial, but adding a chin implant helps to create the right overall facial balance to get the best results from the rhinoplasty.
The only way to know whether you might benefit from a chin implant to enhance the results of your rhinoplasty is to get an opinion from a qualified plastic surgeon. With his many years of experience as a specialist facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Caniglia has a well-developed sense of facial balance. He’ll be happy to advise you on what would be most likely to help you reach your goals for your appearance. To schedule your appointment, please contact our office.

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