Nose job Scottsdale

The nose is the center of the face and has a huge impact on the overall facial appearance. For people who are dissatisfied with how their nose looks, a surgical rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, offers a way to address these concerns and achieve a well-proportioned and attractive nose.

The shape and size of the nose are largely controlled by genetics. Because of this, concerns about the nose may arise during childhood or teen years. Many of our patients wonder what the right age is to address their concerns with a rhinoplasty. When is the right time to start thinking about having a nose job?

Physical growth must be complete

In order to be considered a good candidate for rhinoplasty, a person first needs to be finished growing. The size and shape of the nose can continue to change as a person grows, so if a rhinoplasty is done at too young an age, then the results may be altered with continued growth. 

It’s important to wait to have rhinoplasty until the growth process is complete. This can occur at different ages in different people, and it tends to happen a little earlier for girls than for boys. Some people’s noses are finished growing at age 15 or 16, and it can even happen earlier than this. In others, the nose may not stop growing until they’re 17 or 18, or even a little older.

Once the nose has stopped growing and is at a stable size and shape, then the person may be physically ready to consider a rhinoplasty. However, there’s also another important consideration.

Cognitive maturity is also important

It’s crucial for any patient to fully understand the surgery that they’re choosing, and to have made the choice for themselves. Younger patients may not have the cognitive maturity to really think through the decision to have a rhinoplasty, or they may be pressured by parents or peers to have a surgery that they aren’t sure that they really want. Plastic surgery should never be done on a patient who hasn’t made an independent and thoughtful choice to have it, and it’s important to wait until a younger patient displays this kind of maturity to consider a rhinoplasty.

If teenage patient has both finished their growth process and displays the cognitive maturity to consent to the surgery, then they may be a good surgical candidate.

Nose job Scottsdale

If you’re considering having a rhinoplasty, it’s important to choose an expert in the field of facial plastic surgery. You don’t want to simply choose the cheapest option, and then get results that you’re dissatisfied with. This could even result in needing a second surgery later to correct the issues. 

Choosing a specialist facial plastic surgeon helps to ensure that your surgeon has the training and experience needed to get the best possible results. Dr. Caniglia is a dual board-certified facial plastic surgeon, allowing him to get great results for his patients.

While surgical rhinoplasty offers the most dramatic results and gives the most options for how to change the appearance of the nose, a nonsurgical rhinoplasty may also be an option for some patients. This technique uses injections of dermal fillers. It can help to modify the shape of the nose in certain ways, but there are also many things that it can’t do, like making the nose smaller. If you’re a candidate for a nonsurgical rhinoplasty, Dr. Caniglia can also talk with you about this option and will offer his professional opinion about whether a nonsurgical rhinoplasty would potentially be a good choice for you.

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