Some patients come to Caniglia Facial Plastic Surgery seeking solutions that don’t require surgery. These patients may have dermal skin conditions that cause them hardships and generally make them unhappy. These conditions can range from acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, pigment discoloration, sun damage, and wrinkles. For these patients, we may recommend a simple and non-invasive treatment involving light therapy.

Many centuries ago, doctors discovered that they could harness the sunlight to treat certain medical conditions in their patients. Over the years and as technology advanced, doctors and scientists have worked together to control the sun’s benefits in specially crafted devices. These devices, which once were very rudimentary, have evolved to use light emitting diodes, or LEDs, to strategically pinpoint their treatment and custom tailor a patient’s therapy.

LED treatment, also known as phototherapy, utilizes the same LED lights you might find on Christmas trees or under-cabinet lighting. However, these particular lights are specifically arranged and treated to be utilized in medical practices, like our Medispa. Light emitting diodes create narrow spectrum light that travels at different wavelengths. The varying wavelengths determine the color of the light as well as the level of dermal penetration. The wavelengths utilized in dermatological practice create red and blue light.

Blue light emitting diodes emit a shorter wavelength, preventing the light from penetrating deep into the skin. For this reason, it is used to treat surface skin conditions. Blue light is able to reach the skin’s sweat pores and glands, where dead skin cells and bacteria collect to form acne. The process deep cleans the cells, allowing patients to overcome their current infection and prevents future outbreaks from occurring.

Red light emitting diodes emit a much longer wavelength, allowing them to penetrate deeper into the skin. The red light stimulates the skin and increases the production of collagen, improving elasticity and reducing the appearance of scars and wrinkles. It’s also useful to diminish fine lines and reduce the size of pores. While it’s most often used on the face, red light therapy induces rapid cell regeneration, making it useful for sun damage and sports injuries all over the body.

Dr. Ronald J Caniglia and his team of highly trained aestheticians, may often recommend a combination treatment of red and blue light therapy. Treatments are simple and completely non-invasive. Patients come to our Medispa for treatment for a minimum course of six to eight weeks. Treatments last approximately 30 minutes and typically occur twice a week, depending on the skin’s condition. Patients simply relax in a chair while undergoing the treatment. There are no side effects and many patients find the treatment to be soothing. Some patients notice a small improvement in tone after the first visit, but acne and wrinkles generally require a few visits before results are seen.

While LED treatment therapy in Scottsdale is a newer technology, the positive results show that it is a valuable treatment for many of our patients. Natural and environmental triggers may contribute to the condition of our skin, but therapy can counteract these harmful effects. It proves we can harness the power of the sun without the harmful UV radiation.

If you are interested in LED treatment therapy, contact Caniglia Facial Plastic Surgery or Caniglia MD Medispa today at (480) 483-6200.

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