Check yourself out. You have awesome facial features, a runway model’s skin tone, great lips, you are rocking the mirror … then you look further down, and you come to the realization that, no matter how youthful your face appears, if you have an unattractive jawline and neck, you look older than you really are. And, when you look older, you feel older and you can lose a lot of your confidence and self-esteem. If this is you, you need to discover how to revive your appearance with a tighter neck and jawline in Scottsdale.

The number one source for “losing the jowl” is Dr. Ronald Caniglia, a double board certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes exclusively in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the face and neck. Dr. Caniglia has been named a Top Doc by Phoenix Magazine and Best Plastic Surgeon by the readers of Scottsdale Magazine. For more than 25 years, he has helped enhance and rejuvenate the faces of thousands of highly satisfied patients without the telltale signs of having had work done.

Why are my neck and jawline sagging?

While the rest of your facial area may remain taut and eye-appealing, too much sun, a smoking habit, or even genetics can cause the muscles and soft tissue of the neck and jawline to sag, creating the Basset hound jowl-look.

Why is the jowl saggy?

As you age, several factors can come into play. Your jowly appearance can be the result of excess fat, too much skin, or perhaps you have neck and chin muscles that have lost their firmness. If you stand in front of a mirror and clench your teeth while tightening your jaw you will see one of the major culprits: the platysma muscle. With age, this muscle can separate on the sides and bring on the jowls. Since there are several potential causes to the dreaded sag, only with an examination by Dr. Caniglia can the exact cause be determined, and a treatment course be recommended to give you a tighter neck and jawline in Scottsdale.

What happens during my initial consultation with Dr. Caniglia?

When you meet with Dr. Caniglia at your scheduled appointment, he will review your medical history and overall general health status, thoroughly examine the skin and muscles of your neck and chin, and answer every question you ask. It is important that you let Dr. Caniglia know what your expectations are so that he can review with you every potential option for treatment.

What is the best treatment for losing the jowl?

There is no “one size fits all” treatment course. Each patient has their own unique physical circumstances that must be taken into consideration before Dr. Caniglia and you agree on the proper way to proceed. Liposuction could be recommended. Or it may be determined that other procedures including a mini-facelift, a lower facelift may be needed to achieve your desired results. 

If you have sagging neck skin that is adding years to your appearance, and you would like to learn more about the treatments available, please schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Ronald Caniglia by reaching out online, or call The Caniglia Center at 480-483-6200.

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