Aging is a fact of life but it doesn’t mean our bodies have to show it. Unfortunately for many men and women, their bodies show early signs of aging. One of the first noticeable areas are the eyes, which can become puffy or droopy. This problem area can make people appear sad or tired even when they’re happy and full of life. The sagging tissue can even obstruct vision, creating additional problems for these individuals. Fortunately, this can be remedied with a procedure called eyelid surgery.

What is eyelid surgery?

As we age, the skin naturally decreases collagen production, causing the thin skin around the eyes to become more lax. The muscles and orbital septum, a thin tissue membrane, also become lax as they loose tension. The fat deposits that cushion the eye shift towards the surface, often creating a puffy appearance. These symptoms can affect both eyelids or the lower or upper eyelid individually.

Also known as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery is a procedure that addresses loose, sagging eyelid muscles and tissue. The procedure addresses puffiness, often caused by shifting fat pads in the eyelids.

Am I a good candidate for eyelid surgery?

If you have sagging or puffy eyelids you would like to address, you may be a good candidate for the procedure. Surgery can even be performed on individuals in their thirties who are experiencing excessively droopy or puffy eyelids. Ideal candidates are healthy and do not smoke. During the consultation, you will be evaluated to ensure eyelid surgery is right for you. Some patients may see better results from a forehead lift and others may also benefit from laser resurfacing.

How is eyelid surgery performed?

 Patients will receive local anesthesia with intravenous sedation, which will prevent patients from feeling discomfort or having any recollection of the surgery. For upper eyelid surgery, an incision is made at the crease of the eye to hide any scarring that may occur. A thin strip of muscle is removed and very fine sutures are used to tighten the muscle. Fat pads are re-contoured as needed to reduce puffiness. Any excess skin is excised and the incision is closed with very fine sutures.

Lower eyelid surgery will be performed in one of three ways. The transconjunctival approach, for patients with good lid tone, uses a laser to make an incision inside the eyelid. Fat pads are re-contoured and the laser is used on the skin of the lower eyelid to smooth any wrinkled skin. The internal incision closes on it’s own. Alternatively, the skin flap and skin-muscle flap techniques are used to adjust muscle tone, address fat deposits, and to remove excess skin.

What is the recovery process like?

Recovery for eyelid surgery is very fast. Some mild bruising may occur but is minimal and there is little to no discomfort even the day following surgery. Sutures are removed after one week and patients can return to work. If laser resurfacing of the lower eyelid skin is added then an additional 10-12 days will be need for recovery. Strenuous activities including exercise should be avoided for the first two weeks to protect the surgical area and surrounding muscles from being exerted.

If you are interested in eyelid surgery in Phoenix or Scottsdale, contact the office of Dr. Caniglia today. His friendly staff is available to answer questions and to schedule a consultation at your convenience. Get a brighter new look today by calling (480) 483-6200.

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