An emerging trend in the plastic surgery world is the phenomenon of patients choosing to have plastic surgery procedures with their family or close friends. This arrangement allows the two patients to support one another through the various steps of the process. Often referred to as “generational plastic surgery,” this often happens with a mother and a daughter, or husband and wife and though the procedures may be different, the emotional support each receives can have the same benefit.

For patients in the Scottsdale, Arizona area, Dr. Ronald Caniglia recommends having a support network in place for any procedure. Even someone who is not undergoing their own procedure, such as a partner or friend, can provide crucial support by being involved at each step along the way.

Generational Cosmetic Procedures Increase Feelings of Support

As reported in various sources from the American Academy of Facial, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), as many as 34% of plastic surgeons are seeing this type of patient support in their practice, and the number is increasing. The beauty of the situation is that having a trusted family member with you at each appointment helps you to follow through with things you might not otherwise pursue.

This person is also able to give you instant, trusted feedback from someone who knows you and knows what you like, an invaluable resource during consultations. As you work with Dr. Caniglia to determine your goals for the final result, having another perspective can be uniquely helpful for many situations.

Facial Plastic Surgery Patients May Benefit

As non-surgical procedures are not as permanent or as broad in the scope of their results, it is primarily surgical patients who chose this close support arrangement. Procedures where this is particularly helpful include rhinoplasty and facelifts, as these changes may often feel more profound. This arrangement may also be a great idea for anyone who has never had a cosmetic procedure before, and would like to have the benefit of the additional support.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are considering plastic surgery or non-surgical procedures in the Scottsdale area and are interested in learning about these or some of our options, schedule an appointment with Dr. Ronald Caniglia. We look forward to meeting you and working together toward your goals.

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