feat-rhinoplastyIt’s very common to hear about rhinoplasty and think of the latest celebrity reshaping their nose to make it look different than the nose they were born with. Although many patients turn to rhinoplasty as a means to cosmetically enhance the appearance of their nose, nose reshaping is often performed to treat conditions that can cause a decrease in life quality. If your life could be improved with rhinoplasty, Dr. Ronald Caniglia may recommend it for you.

Saddle Nose

nose_deformitySaddle nose, also commonly known as boxer’s nose occurs when the cartilage within the bridge deteriorates creating a saddle-like dip across the nose. The condition is common in boxers and combat fighters who experience repeated trauma to the area, although the deformity can begin with a singular incident like a car accident or bicycle accident.

Some patients may also experience saddle nose from genetic disorders like Wegener’s granulomatosis or Sarcoidosis, but these conditions are rare.

Deviated Septum

Deviated Septum A deviated septum occurs when the thin wall between the nostrils, the septum, becomes misshapen, often aligned to one side, making one nasal passage smaller than the other.
The reduced air passage can affect a patient’s ability to breath correctly, often disrupting sleep and mood.

The condition can cause an increase in nosebleeds as well as facial pain if left untreated. A deviated septum can arise from a condition at birth or can be caused by a traumatic injury.

Reconstruction After Trauma

Patients who have experienced trauma to the nose may require reconstruction through rhinoplasty. Blunt force trauma caused by combat and motor vehicle accidents could also require reconstruction. Trauma to the nose isn’t always structural in nature. Patients who have skin cancer excised from the nose may require plastic surgery with skin grafting to restore the appearance of the nose.


Rhinophyma is a condition that causes prominent pore and thickening of the skin, often brought on by untreated rosacea. The conditions pink and bulbous growth of the nose can actually be so heavy that patients are unable to breath or see properly, sometimes even crushing the structure of the nose from the sheer weight. Skin is excised and the structure is restored if needed.

Dr. CanigliaFor practical rhinoplasty, Dr. Caniglia will reshape the nose to allow for proper airflow and alignment. If needed, cartilage can be grafted from other areas like the ear to restore the shape of the nose. Alternatively, bone can be broken and straightened to create a straightened nose. During your consultation, Dr. Caniglia will determine what course of action is best for your particular condition.

Whether you’re seeking rhinoplasty in Scottsdale for cosmetic or functional surgery, look no further than the trusted hands of Dr. Ronald Caniglia. As a board-certified and experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Caniglia can safely perform your nose reshaping so that you may enjoy life to the fullest. Contact his office today at 1300789240.

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