Over time, our skin goes through the proverbial wringer. As the largest organ on our body and the one exposed to outside elements, our skin can encounter any number of problems caused by genetics, exposure, or age. While makeup and creams can temporary relieve or hide problems, Dr. Ronald Caniglia offers a longer lasting and more effective solution in the form of laser skin resurfacing.

What is laser skin resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing utilizes various types of surgical lasers to treat skin conditions such as wrinkles, age spots, and discoloration. Depending on your needs, Dr. Cangilia will use a CO2 laser or Fractionated laser. Each laser is effective for different skin conditions. Dr. Caniglia will determine which is best for your specific needs.

Am I good candidate for laser skin resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing can be safely performed on patients of all ages. Individuals with lighter colored skin may be better candidates because the laser can distinguish problem areas more easily, however darker complected patients can still benefit from the procedure. Individuals with problematic skin conditions such as dermatitis, rosacea, or psoriasis should inform Dr. Caniglia in advanced to allow for the best treatment. Occasionally, a delay in the healing process can occur with these conditions.

How does laser skin resurfacing work?

Typically laser skin resurfacing procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis with a full face procedure taking approximately 45 minutes. Local anesthesia is used to treat specific areas but would be combined with intravenous sedation for full face treatment. After adequate sedation is administered, stainless steel corneal shields are provided to protect the eyes from the laser. After the desired treatment is received, Caniglia Lubricating Ointment is placed on the treatment areas. Patients are moved to the recovery room for around 45 minutes before they are released to go home. A post laser skin treatment is administered by one of our on staff aestheticians.

What can I expect after the procedure?

Following treatment, patients should expect their skin to have a pink tone while the skin heals. Patients should wait 10-14 days before applying makeup to the delicate new tissue, though individuals with lighter treatments may be able to return to their makeup routine in as little as 5-7 days. The pink tone will generally fade over time but may take a few months to completely fade. Patients can return to work after 10-14 days and Dr. Caniglia recommends avoiding strenuous activity for at least two weeks.

Why should I go to Dr. Caniglia for my laser skin resurfacing needs?

Dr. Ronald Caniglia has performed several procedures of all types, including laser skin resurfacing, in Scottsdale for many years. His patients love his attention to detail and experience that help ensure their procedures are successful. Laser skin resurfacing can restore your skin to the youthful appearance you desire. If you are interested in smooth, clear, and younger looking skin, contact Cangilia Facial Plastic Surgery about laser skin resurfacing at (480) 483-6200 today.

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