A spider vein is known in the medical profession as a “telangiectasia,” pronounced “tee-lahn-gee-ick-tay-she-ah.” To you, they are known as unattractive, broken blood vessels that can appear on your face (or legs), sometimes overnight. They can affect anyone at any time no matter how much precaution they take to maintain good, healthy skin. If you are experiencing very thin red or pinkish lines on your face, make an appointment to visit Caniglia Facial Plastic Surgery and learn how telangiectasia treatment in Scottsdale may be right for you.

Dr. Ronald J. Caniglia uses the most advanced laser technology to restore his patients’ natural facial beauty by removing spider veins and ugly red spots from their skin. By concentrating his practice exclusively to face and neck issues, Dr. Caniglia is highly skilled at removing flaws that appear just beneath the surface of the skin without leaving any tell-tale appearance that his patients have had “a procedure done.”

What causes telangiectasia to appear?

A person’s family medical history can play a significant role in determining if you are vulnerable to spider veins. Also, continuous exposure to the sun and wind, the use of certain medications that expand blood vessels, and alcohol abuse can put you at risk. People with connective tissue disorders such as lupus, dermatomyositis, or scleroderma are susceptible to contracting spider veins in the face. The side effects of menopause and birth control pill use can also cause facial spider veins.

Can spider veins appear anywhere on the face?

Redness of the face and broken blood vessels are most prominent around the cheeks, nose, and chin areas. They may also be found on the chest, arms, back, and legs. No matter where they occur on the body, telangiectasia treatment in Scottsdale is the best method for eradicating them.

Are telangiectasia just a nuisance, or can they be a health risk?

Typically, broken blood vessels are harmless, although they can cause some discomfort from itching and the pressure that is placed on the small veins. In some cases, they can signify an underlying health problem that should be addressed. An abnormal number of blood vessels near the skin’s surface, or a potential nervous system disorder can bring about the redness.

How does Dr. Caniglia treat broken blood vessels and red spots on the face?

Dr. Caniglia has several laser treatment options that he can utilize depending on the location and size of the affected area or areas. The procedure, performed on an outpatient basis under a local or topical anesthesia, can be completed in less than an hour; sometimes as quickly as 15 minutes. The concentrated light from the laser shrinks or fades the vein or red spot while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. Some conditions may require more than one treatment, but in most cases, the red spots or veins will fade and disappear in a matter of weeks.

Dr. Ronald J. Caniglia

If you are experiencing enlarged or broken blood vessels in your face or have redness of the skin that you are concerned about, please schedule an appointment to see Dr. Ronald J. Caniglia for an examination and consultation. You can submit our online request form, or you may call Caniglia Facial Plastic Surgery at (480) 483-6200.

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