Most people desire to be fit and healthy. Although the most important reason to care for your fitness is to be healthy and feel good, many people also want their outsides to match their insides. For those who exercise and eat well, yet find themselves with a stubborn double chin, this can be very frustrating. Some people avoid certain social situations, such as having photos taken of themselves, because they’re self-conscious about their double chins.

What can be done to get rid of a double chin?

Exercises will not get rid of a double chin

Although there are lists circulating about how to get rid of a double chin through neck exercises, the truth is that these are very unlikely to work. Strengthening the muscles of the neck area will certainly not hurt, but it will generally not help with reducing the appearance of a double chin. This is because toning the muscles does nothing to affect the skin, fat, or other tissues of the area, and it’s these tissues that are generally responsible for a double chin. Firming creams and other topical treatments may have some effect on the skin, but rarely produce satisfactory results.

For those who are very overweight, losing a significant amount of weight may help to reduce the double chin. However, where fat is stored on the body is largely determined by genetics. Some people will see their double chin disappear when they lose weight, while others will find that it stubbornly remains even when they are at a healthy weight.

Neck liposuction can remove a double chin

If you’re among those who still find themselves with a double chin, then neck liposuction may be a good option for you. This is a minor surgical procedure, which generally takes an hour or less to perform. Local anesthesia is used, along with a sedative to help the patient relax. Tiny incisions are made in the crease under the chin. A small tube called a cannula is used to suction fat out of the area.

In general, liposuction will produce the best cosmetic results on younger people with good skin tone. With enough elasticity, the skin can shrink back over the treated area. When the skin doesn’t have enough elasticity, then removing fat will tend to leave sagging skin in the area, and they may still appear to have a double chin. It’s also generally recommended that liposuction patients be within about 25 pounds of their ideal weight.

Cheek/neck lift addresses sagging skin.

Neck liposuction can be combined with a neck lift, which is a surgical procedure to remove excess sagging skin from the neck area. For those who don’t have enough skin elasticity to achieve a good result through liposuction alone, adding a cheek/neck lift can help. Many older patients fall into this category, although some younger patients do as well. Additionally, for those whose double chins are caused by sagging tissue as well as excess deposits of fat, a cheek/neck lift plus neck liposuction will be the best option.

Neck liposuction Scottsdale

If you’re bothered by the appearance of a double chin, and would like to discuss your options for addressing this problem, then you should seek the advice of a qualified plastic surgeon. Exercises, creams, and the like will not offer you the results that you want.

As a specialist facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Caniglia is also very well qualified to treat the neck and lower face. He will be happy to offer you his professional opinion about what your best options would be, based on his assessment of your medical situation as well as your needs and goals for your appearance. To book your appointment, simply contact our office.

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