To have a pleasing overall facial appearance, it’s important that the facial features be in balance. When the chin is too small or doesn’t stand out enough, it affects the entire facial appearance. Even though other parts of your face may be very attractive, a weak chin will tend to draw people’s attention and detract from your overall facial appearance.

When you draw a line from your lower lip downward, your chin should meet this line. If it doesn’t, then your chin will generally appear weak. A weak chin can also make your nose appear too large, because it’s not in balance with your chin. In addition, a weak chin may have sunken areas on either side, referred to as prejowl depressions. These areas will tend to create or increase the appearance of jowls – the sagging cheek tissue that makes people look significantly older.

The shape and size of your chin is largely determined by genetics, with your habits in childhood also playing a role. Once you’re a teen or adult, the appearance of your chin will not likely change on its own. If you’re not happy with how your chin looks, cosmetic medicine offers a few different options that may be helpful.


One option for getting a stronger and more defined chin is to get injections of dermal fillers. These are substances that are injected in order to add volume to an area. Fillers can be injected into the chin in order to strengthen it and create balance with other facial features.

There are several different types of dermal fillers, which can be used for different purposes. Dr. Caniglia will select a specific filler that’s designed for use in augmenting the chin. Although these types of fillers tend to last a little longer than others that are used in more delicate areas, fillers are still not a permanent solution. If you like the results from your fillers, you’ll need to get touch-ups periodically in order to maintain your results.

Surgical chin augmentation

For a more permanent solution, a surgical chin augmentation is an option. In this procedure, a silicone chin implant is placed below the skin of the chin. The incision can be located inside the lower lip, but Dr. Caniglia usually prefers placing it in the submental crease, just below the chin. This location allows for more precise placement of the implant, creating a better result overall. The scars are very discreet, and will generally not be noticed after healing.

A chin augmentation is permanent. This allows you to address the problem of a weak chin, without having to worry about fading results or touch-up procedures. However, because it’s a surgical procedure, there’s more initial investment of time and energy for the procedure itself and the healing period. 

Neck procedures

In some cases, addressing the tissues of the neck can make a significant difference in the appearance of the chin. If you have deposits of excess fatty tissue under your chin and in your neck, this tends to “hide” your chin, making it appear much smaller than it actually is. Removing this excess fat tissue through neck liposuction can help to define the chin and make it appear stronger.

Sagging skin and other tissues around the jawline and upper neck can similarly disguise the chin and make it look too small. A cheek/necklift (facelift) can help to remove excess sagging skin and tighten the tissues beneath, such as the platysma muscle (a thin, superficial muscle in the neck). This may help to create a more defined jaw contour.

Chin augmentation Scottsdale

If you have a weak chin, or have noticed the appearance of jowls that may be caused by your chin shape, you have several options for addressing this problem. Talking with a qualified plastic surgeon will allow you to get personalized advice about what would likely work best in your particular case. 
If you’re in the area around Scottsdale or are willing to travel here for your treatment, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Caniglia. You’ll have the chance to learn more about your options, and to get personalized advice about what results you could likely expect from each one. Simply contact our front desk to schedule your appointment.

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