Deep plane facelift Scottsdale

Although there are certainly many nonsurgical cosmetic medicine techniques that can offer significant benefits, a surgical facelift offers the most dramatic results of any anti-aging procedure. For those who have significant concerns about their facial appearance, a facelift is likely the best option to get the results that they’re looking for.

When a person begins thinking about having a facelift, they quickly discover that there are a few different types of facelift. The deep plane facelift is the most extensive, and offers the most powerful results. What is a deep plane facelift? How is it different from other types of facelift? How do you know whether you should choose a deep plane facelift?

The deep plane facelift procedure

To understand the deep plane facelift, it’s important to understand a little bit about facial anatomy.

There is a structure in the face known as the superficial musculoaponeurotic system, or SMAS. This is a layer of muscles and connective tissue, which gives structure to the face. The skin and
some fat tissue lies above the SMAS, and there are fat pads and muscles located beneath it, with bones lying even deeper.

The SMAS is anchored to the skin above and to the bone below by a series of ligaments, which lie roughly along a line from the corner of the eye to the corner of the jaw. These ligaments tether the tissue in place.

As people age, the SMAS loses its elasticity, causing it to sag and droop. This leads to many of the visible signs of aging. During a traditional facelift (also known as a SMAS facelift), the SMAS is tightened, and excess tissue is trimmed away. However, the ligaments are not addressed during this procedure. This limits the ability of the SMAS facelift to lift and tighten the face, because the ligaments tether the SMAS into place.

During a deep plane facelift, an incision is made in the SMAS (beneath the skin), and the muscles are released. This allows the entire SMAS to be lifted and tightened. In addition, the surgeon can sculpt the muscles and other tissues that lie below the SMAS. The effect is to create a more dramatic facial rejuvenation, with a more defined jawline and higher, more youthful-looking cheeks.

With either type of facelift, the incisions in the skin are roughly the same. The incision starts in the hairline at the temple, curves down around the ear, and ends in the hairline behind the ear. The difference is in how much manipulation is done beneath the skin.

What are the benefits of a deep plane facelift?

In general, a deep plane facelift provides the most extensive facial rejuvenation possible. Because the muscles are released, the entire SMAS can be lifted and tightened, and the surgeon has a greater ability to sculpt a more youthful and rejuvenated look to the face. The midface and cheeks can be addressed, along with the lower face. Issues like jowls and deep lines around the mouth are very difficult to address with a traditional (SMAS) facelift, but a deep plane facelift can address these problems.

The facial muscles and other tissues below the SMAS can also be repositioned as necessary to create the desired result. By lifting all of the tissues that have fallen as a result of gravity, they can restore your face to its youthful appearance. It’s important to trust your surgeon, because they will be able to have a much greater impact on your facial appearance during a deep plane facelift.

In general, the results of a deep plane facelift are also longer-lasting than for a SMAS facelift. Because there’s a much greater ability to tighten and lift tissues and much more dramatic results, the youthful look after the procedure will last for longer. Of course, the aging process will not stop, and gravity will eventually take its toll once more. However, with a deep plane facelift, it’s usually a longer time before people start to think of having a touch-up procedure in the future.

What are the downsides of a deep plane facelift?

The deep plane facelift offers such dramatic results because it involves more manipulation of tissues than other types of facelift. Because of this, many people are expecting that the deep plane facelift recovery will take longer than recovery from other types of facelift.

In truth, recovery from a deep plane facelift is not much more difficult than from an SMAS facelift. With both procedures, it takes about ten days to two weeks to be ready to go back to work and other daily activities, and about a month to resume your regular exercise routine. The recovery from a deep plane facelift might involve a little more swelling and discomfort due to the
increased manipulation of tissues, but overall, the recovery will not be much different with either type.

Those who can’t commit to taking the necessary time off in order to rest during their recovery may not be good candidates for any type of facelift, and should consider other anti-aging options instead.

The facial nerves are also located very close to the muscles that are released during a deep plane facelift. If the surgeon doesn’t use extreme caution and excellent surgical technique, there’s a risk that these nerves will be injured. This is why it’s crucial to choose a surgeon who’s an expert in facial plastic surgery. The anatomy of this area is complex, and nerve injury can be devastating.

Deep plane facelift Scottsdale

In general, the traditional (or SMAS) facelift is a good option for those who are younger, or who only have limited concerns about the appearance of the face. The deep plane facelift is usually better for those who are older, who want to address significant skin laxity as well as deep wrinkles and folds in the skin. A deep plane facelift leads to much more dramatic results, and is much better able to create a more youthful face shape and address issues like jowls and deep lines around the mouth.

If you’re considering a facelift and have questions about which type would be better for you, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Caniglia. After examining you and learning about your goals for your appearance, he’ll be able to make a professional recommendation about which type of facelift would be more likely to achieve your goals. To book your appointment, simply contact our front desk.

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