Lip advancement Scottsdale

Full lips are a sign of youth and beauty. Some are genetically fortunate and are born with full lips, while others have thinner lips from the start. In addition, as people age, the lips tend to lose volume and become thinner.

In order to rejuvenate the face and achieve a healthy, youthful, attractive look, some people seek to have their lips enhanced. A simple procedure known as vermillion advancement, or lip advancement, can make a huge difference in someone’s appearance.

What is vermillion advancement?

The vermillion border is the sharp demarcation between regular skin and the pink part of the lip. In order to make the lips fuller, this border can be moved outward (away from the mouth), in order to leave more pink lip tissue visible. This is what vermillion advancement does.

In some cases, the procedure is done under local anesthesia alone. Twilight sleep can also be used in order to keep the patient relaxed throughout. 

There are a few different possibilities for where to place the surgical incision, but Dr. Caniglia’s professional opinion is that it’s best to do this along the red-white border itself. After it heals, it will be well hidden. This incision also allows for changing the shape of the lip if the patient so desires.

After the incision is made, tissue is carefully removed above the upper lip and/or below the lower lip. The upper vermillion border can be brought up closer to the nose, and the lower vermillion border brought down closer to the chin, in order to enlarge the visible part of the lips. (Before the surgery, the patient and surgeon agree together to decide where the new borders of the lips will be, since everyone has their own preferences for how full the lips should be.)

What is the recovery like?

The recovery from this procedure is generally not too difficult. The sutures will be removed from the incisions after seven days, and it’s then possible to use lipstick. Full maturation of any scar takes about a year, but patients generally notice a definite softening of the line over the weeks to months following the surgery. The tissue may also feel a little tight at first, but will soften up.

Are there non-surgical options?

For those who are looking to have fuller lips but who don’t feel ready to commit to a surgical procedure right now, another option is to have injections of fillers into the lips. We use hyaluronic acid fillers, as this is a natural substance that helps to hold water in the tissues and create volume. Fillers are temporary; the injected hyaluronic acid will be gradually absorbed by the body over the course of a few months. For some patients, the temporary nature of this treatment is an advantage; it allows them to try out fuller lips without making a commitment, and to experiment to decide how full they want their lips to be. However, if you do like the results and want to maintain them, you will need to have repeated filler injections every few months. The cost and time may add up, and some patients eventually decide to undergo surgery to make their results permanent.

Are you considering lip advancement Scottsdale?

If you’re bothered by thin lips and you would like them to be fuller, then we invite you to come for a consultation with Dr. Caniglia. He can explain your options to you, and give you a chance to ask all of your questions so that you feel ready to make an informed decision about what’s right for you. As a specialist in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Caniglia is qualified to perform this procedure with a very high level of skill. To schedule your appointment, please contact our office.

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