Dermaplaning Scottsdale

Although Dr. Caniglia is known for his skill as a facial plastic surgeon, he’s also committed to offering the best in nonsurgical treatments to his patients. This allows each of our patients to get the right treatments to address their concerns. One of the most non-invasive treatments we offer is dermaplaning. This can be used as a standalone treatment or can be added to another treatment (such as a chemical peel) to enhance its effectiveness.

There’s a common myth that dermaplaning will cause your facial hair to grow back thicker. This is not true at all. What is the origin of this myth, and what’s the truth about dermaplaning and hair growth?

How does dermaplaning work?

Dermaplaning is one of the most noninvasive cosmetic treatments available, as it works only on the surface of the skin. During the treatment, a very sharp scalpel is gently scraped across the surface of the skin. There is no cutting; rather, the scalpel removes the vellus hair (“peach fuzz”) along with dead skin cells and other debris from the surface of the skin.

Dermaplaning can be used on its own, to help improve skin tone and texture. Those with facial issues like fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, or dull and dry skin may benefit from this treatment. In addition, dermaplaning can help to enhance the effectiveness of other treatments. This is because it removes barriers on the skin’s surface. For example, dermaplaning may be used before a chemical peel, to allow the acids to penetrate the skin more deeply and enhance the peel’s effectiveness.

Dermaplaning does not affect hair growth

The only way to affect hair growth is to alter the root of the hair because that’s where the hair is created. Treatments that work on the surface of the skin cannot affect the root, which is located beneath the surface. This is why it’s scientifically impossible for dermaplaning to affect hair growth.

Similarly, shaving hair does not affect hair growth. However, shaving can sometimes create the illusion that it has caused hair to grow back thicker. This is because natural hair has a gently tapered end, which feels soft. When a hair is cut, the cut end is now blunt rather than tapered. It may tend to feel more thick or coarse than it did before. In this way, although shaving will not actually change the hair, it may create the illusion that it has.

Dermaplaning is different. With dermaplaning, the hair is cut at an angle, rather than straight across. Because of this, the end of each hair is tapered rather than blunt. When it grows back, it will be soft right away, because of the tapered end. Thus, although shaving may make it seem that hair has grown back coarser or thicker, dermaplaning will not create this illusion.

Dermaplaning Scottsdale

If you’re considering skin rejuvenation, then a consultation with a cosmetic medical professional will help you to clarify your options. You’ll have a chance to ask any questions and gather information, allowing you to make your decision about which treatment is right for you. If you’re in the Scottsdale area, we invite you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Caniglia to learn more about your treatment options. At our office, we’re committed to offering the best in both surgical and nonsurgical treatments for the face.

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