Experience the Luxury of Personalized Care and Exceptional Results Facial Liposuction in Scottsdale

Facial liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure designed to sculpt and rejuvenate the face by removing excess fat. This treatment is ideal for those looking to eliminate a double chin, reduce cheek fat, or refine the jawline. It is often performed with other facial rejuvenating procedures like the facelift. At Caniglia Facial Plastic Surgery, which serves Paradise Valley, Phoenix, and surrounding areas, our highly trained surgeons, Drs. Ron and Alex Caniglia offer this procedure with a focus on achieving natural-looking, beautiful results.

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What is Facial Liposuction?

During the facial liposuction procedure, small incisions are made in discreet locations, such as under the chin or behind the earlobes. A cannula, a thin, hollow tube, is then inserted to gently suction out the unwanted fat. The result is a more defined and contoured facial structure, enhancing your natural features while maintaining a harmonious and balanced look. This procedure is best for individuals with good skin elasticity and muscle tone, making it a versatile option for achieving long-lasting, natural-looking outcomes with minimal downtime.

What are the Benefits of Facial Liposuction?

Facial liposuction provides a targeted approach to removing stubborn fat deposits for a more defined and youthful appearance. This procedure is versatile, catering to a range of aesthetic needs without a long recovery period.

Patients benefit from a rejuvenated look that enhances their natural features and youthful spirit. Some of the results achieved from this after facial liposuction include the following benefits:

  • More defined jawline
  • Reduction in double chin
  • Slimmer, more contoured cheeks
  • Improved facial symmetry
  • Enhanced overall facial balance
  • Youthful, rejuvenated appearance
  • Smoother skin in treated areas
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Is Facial Liposuction Right for You?

The consultation step with either Dr. Ron Caniglia or Dr. Alex Caniglia is important for ensuring that facial liposuction in Scottsdale will achieve the aesthetic outcome you desire. During this personalized meeting, Dr. Caniglia will examine your facial structure and talk with you about your desired results in order to design a tailored treatment plan to help you attain the best possible outcome. When performed alone, facial liposuction is best suited for younger patients with good skin elasticity, muscle tone, and strong bone structure. This procedure is not for patients with excess skin and little fat. Women’s skin tends to respond better to liposuction alone than men’s skin.


What to Expect During the Procedure

Facial liposuction is usually performed on an outpatient basis, lasting from 30 minutes to one hour. The procedure includes the following steps:


Local anesthesia with intravenous sedation, known as deep twilight sleep, is administered. Patients feel no discomfort and have no recollection of the surgery. A certified anesthesiologist continuously monitors the patient before, during, and after the surgery.


Small incisions are made in the submental crease, a naturally occurring crease underneath the chin. Additional incisions can be hidden in the crease behind the earlobe if needed.

Fat Removal

Fat is suctioned through the incisions using a small, round liposuction tool called a cannula.


Dissolvable sutures are used to close the incisions, and a light gauze pressure wrap is applied.

Facial Liposuction Recovery

Patients generally feel fine with little to no discomfort the day after surgery. The gauze wrap is removed the following morning, and all sutures dissolve naturally. Some patients can return to work a few days after their procedure, depending on the amount of bruising experienced, which may last one to two weeks. It is best that exercise and strenuous activities should be avoided for two weeks.

Risks of Facial Liposuction

As with any surgery, potential complications include bleeding, infection, asymmetry, and saggy skin. It is crucial to consult with a board-certified, skilled facial plastic surgeon like Drs. Ron and Alex Caniglia, as overly aggressive facial liposuction can lead to significant facial soft tissue deformities. These risks are lessened when you have the expertise of surgeons like ours who focus solely on perfecting facial plastic surgery techniques.

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Choose Caniglia Facial Plastic Surgery if You’re Considering Facial Liposuction

Caniglia Facial Plastic Surgery offers the expertise, artistry, and dedication to help you reach your desired aesthetic results with facial liposuction in Scottsdale. Our practice was the first standalone facility in the Valley area and has continued its impeccable reputation for over 30 years. Dr. Ron Caniglia, double board-certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Otolaryngology Surgery, and Dr. Alex Caniglia, bring extensive training and expertise to every procedure. Both completed top facial plastic surgery fellowships and are recognized for their skillful, focused approach to aesthetic plastic surgery.

Our state-of-the-art, fully licensed outpatient surgery center in Scottsdale is dedicated solely to facial procedures, ensuring the highest standards of excellence, discretion, and patient comfort. We blend time-honored techniques with cutting-edge advancements to deliver natural, age-defying results in a luxurious locale. Patients from around the world come to us for our commitment to quality and personalized care, making us the premier destination for facial plastic surgery in the Valley.

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