Experience Personalized Treatment and Exceptional Outcomes Scar Revision, Scottsdale, Arizona

Scar revision is a technique focused on diminishing the appearance of facial scars, ensuring they merge more seamlessly with the nearby skin. At Caniglia Facial Plastic Surgery, our skilled surgeons, Drs. Ron and Alex Caniglia utilize advanced techniques to provide patients with smoother, more aesthetically pleasing skin. Discover how scar revision in Scottsdale with our team can enhance your appearance and boost your self-confidence.

older woman touching face

Is a Facial Scar Affecting Your Self-Image?

Scars are permanent markings on the body that form once an injury to the skin has healed. When these scars appear on the face, they can cause discomfort and dissatisfaction with one's appearance. Our highly trained facial plastic surgery specialists, Drs. Ron Canigula and Alex Caniglia provide natural-looking, beautiful results through a deep understanding of complex facial structures and the components of beauty. To learn more about scar revision, contact our Scottsdale practice today, a premier location serving Paradise Valley, Phoenix, East and West Valley patients as well as patients worldwide.

What Are the Benefits of Scar Revision in Scottsdale?

Scar revision offers numerous advantages for those seeking to improve the appearance of facial scars. By utilizing advanced surgical techniques, this procedure can dramatically enhance your skin’s appearance and return to your innate, naturally beautiful self.

Patients receiving our scar revision procedures enjoy the following benefits:

  • Reduced visibility of scars
  • Smoother and more even skin texture
  • Improved skin tone and color matching
  • Enhanced facial symmetry
  • Increased self-confidence
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Scar Revision Techniques

Before the procedure, Dr. Alex or Dr. Ron Caniglia will meet with you to discuss your aesthetic goals, examine your condition, and determine the best course of action. Each scar is unique, so the most effective technique for reducing the scar you want treated will be carefully determined. Techniques commonly used for scar revision include the following:

Simple Excision

Cutting out the scar tissue and then carefully stitching the surrounding skin together to create a less noticeable scar.


A surgical technique that repositions the scar by creating small triangular flaps of skin around the scar, which are then rearranged to follow natural skin lines, making the scar less visible.


Similar to Z-Plasty, this technique involves making a series of small, zigzag incisions along the scar, which helps to break up the straight line of the scar and blend it more naturally with the surrounding skin.

Skin Grafting

This approach involves obtaining a patch of healthy skin from another location on the body and grafting it over the scarred area, which aids in concealing the scar and ensuring it blends more naturally with the adjacent skin.

Geometric Line Closure

This technique uses a series of geometric-shaped incisions to break up the scar and redistribute the tension across the skin, resulting in a scar that is less noticeable and blends more naturally with the surrounding skin.

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What to Expect During the Procedure

  • Administration of local anesthesia or a combination of local anesthesia and intravenous sedation, also known as twilight sleep.
  • Orientation of the scar in the relaxed skin tension lines (RSTL) or the natural lines of the face.
  • Use of dissolvable sutures to close any incisions.
  • Minor scars can often be improved with microdermabrasion, chemical peels, or laser therapy.

Recovery After Scar Revision

Depending on the extent of scar revision surgery, you may need up to a week before returning to work or other daily activities. Dr. Caniglia will provide detailed post-operative instructions to ensure the best possible outcome. Results gradually improve over time, with scars blending with surrounding tissues approximately one year after surgery. Multiple procedures or techniques may be necessary for optimal results.

Candidates for Scar Revision

The best way to determine if you are a candidate for scar revision surgery in Scottsdale with our team is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ron Caniglia or Dr. Alex Caniglia. Individuals with the following points are the best candidates for this procedure:

  • Are in good physical and mental health
  • Have realistic expectations, understanding that while the scar may not be completely eliminated, its appearance will be significantly reduced
  • Have had a scar for longer than a year after the injury, ensuring it is fully healed

Risks Associated with Scar Revision

Scar revision surgery is considered safe, but as with all surgeries, there are potential risks such as bleeding, skin sensitivity, or discoloration. Most patients experience some swelling or discomfort immediately after the procedure, which subsides after a week and can be managed with pain medication. Drs. Ron and Alex Caniglia will provide guidance on how to handle any complications. Due to their extensive experience and skill, the likelihood of serious problems is minimal.

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Why Choose Caniglia Facial Plastic Surgery for Scar Revision?

At Caniglia Facial Plastic Surgery, you benefit from the combined expertise of Dr. Ron Caniglia, double board-certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Otolaryngology Surgery, and Dr. Alex Caniglia, both of whom completed top facial plastic surgery fellowships and extensive training. Our state-of-the-art Scottsdale center was established over 30 years ago, the first in the Valley area, and has remained focused exclusively on facial procedures, ensuring precision and excellence.

With a blend of time-tested techniques and the latest advancements, we deliver personalized, natural-looking results that enhance your personal aesthetics and boost your confidence. We are dedicated to providing the highest standards of care and exceptional outcomes in a luxurious environment.

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